Cargo Care Solutions is a company with a long history on the field of cargo access equipment. As former after sales network of Macor Neptun and SEOHAE Marine System we have over 40 years of experience in our branch. Today we are an independent and all-round supplier and able to supply parts and services for all brands of maritime cargo access equipment. Next to our history in Cargo Access Equipment we currently offer a complete independent and one-stop solution for your Deepwell Cargo Pump requirements. We also have an inhouse hydraulic workshop that can assist with any hydraulic repair necessary.
After being part of the service network of Macor Neptun and SEOHAE Marine System, Cargo Care Solutions recognized the need in the market for an independent, global and all-round supplier of parts and services for the many brands of cargo access equipment among an owner/manager's fleet. Over time we acquired the original rights of Macor Neptun GmbH and Transport Efficiency B.V., but are able to supply parts and services for all brands of cargo access equipment.
Macor Marine Systems International GmbH was formed in 1985 out of Deutsche MacGregor GmbH, member of the international MacGregor organization, by Dipl.-Ing. Peter Kloess son of Dipl.-Ing. H.K. Kloess founder of Deutsche MacGregor GmbH in 1951. When Macor terminated its activities in 2003 we acquired the original rights for about 3,500 vessels built by this organization.